Wednesday, July 9, 2008


1. - Who are the characters in the novel? If you could be any of characters in the novel, which would you be and why?
= Saul, Sue, Ruth, Caroline, Captain Marrs, Dick Lane, Peter, Marc, the Controller, Wind.
I will like to be a Saul, because he saves the dolphins.

2. - What do you think was Saul’s reaction when Ruth explained to him about the dolphins? How did you feel?
= He was mad and he felt sad, disappointed.

. - Describe the setting of the story. How is the year 2051 like? What role do computers play in 2051? Make a list of ways in which the world in the story is different from the world day.
= It’s a virtual world; the people don’t do anything at all, the computer does everything. In this world you can’t do virtual walks. You can see the people, touch them and do everything

4. - How did reading this novel affect you?
= I imagine everything when I read and I felt sad because the dolphins died, but at the end I felt so happy because they do save the dolphins and they are still alive.

5. - Who is the main character of the novel? Describe how you are like the main character of this novel. Describe how you are different than the main character of this novel.
= Saul. If I would done the same things as Saul did because I too like the dolphins. The difference between Saul and I is that he lives in a virtual world and I don’t.

6. - If you could give the main character a piece of advice, what would you suggest?
= He could be a better person. When he was in Caroline’s house he could have insisted on believing him.

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