Wednesday, July 9, 2008

CHAPTERS 14, 15 & 16

1. - Why did Saul and Sue feel Sad and angry when they left Caroline’s house?
= Because Caroline doesn’t believe that he said about the music rooms, dolphins and Captain Marrs. She wanted to call the police, but only for her love him no do it.

2. - Why while Captain Marrs questioned Caroline, she decided to make herself sound unintelligent?
= Caroline decided that whatever she now thought, she should make herself sound stupid, as if her only world was music.

3. - Give reasons why Caroline believed or not believed in Saul’s worlds.
= BELIEVED: Because she loves and she lied at Captain Marrs about Saul said her.
NOT BELIEVED: Because never stayed together only in a walk virtual.

4. - Do you think Saul really loved Caroline or vice versa?
= I think Saul did love her, because he trusted she and also they talk every day and he could rely on her help when ever he needed her. Caroline doesn’t trust him, but at the end she told the true about Captain Marrs in her concert and she died loving Saul.

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