Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Dick took two BEATCON soldiers into the forest without the Captain permission, they both got kill because they weren't trained to operate there and on top of that he didn't killed or arrest any terrorist.
Dick felt sorry for his actions when he thought he was doing something good to catch Grant.
Captain Marrs explained that Dick's actions were actually a good idea but instead he would have taken a dozen jetbikes not three and special trained men not two untrained men.
Dick thought that he was going to be sent to the tunnels because of his failure but Captain Marrs gave him one more chance so he could kill them, but if he make one more mistake he will be out.
Marrs order Dick to put a wanted for murded notice for Grant on the Web for killing two BEATCON soldiers and included pictures of them on the notice. Marrs found out who lived in those old people's houses, it was Sue´s grandmother. Sue had being in the wanted list too. They added Sue to that same wanted list with Saul. They are now a dangerous couple enemies of Control. To persuade people for information they are going to put the mother's of the BEATCON boy's on the Web crying and asking for information and that keeping information about Saul and Sue is a serious crime.

Chapter 6

Who said what? Be specific on the details.

**He's going to be useless in the journey:
Sue. She talk with her granmother Ruth about Saul who didn't never seen BEATCON.

**Where are we going?:
Saul. He asked at Ruth in a panic when she opened a door in the floor that led down to a tunel.

**I think I was right to choose him:
Ruth. She talk with Sue about Saul and her tell that Saul isn't stupid.

**Marrs won't bother me:
Peter. When he laughed and he said at Ruth 'be careful'.

Chapter 5

Answer with specific details.

Who wants to save the dolphins? Why?
**Saul, Sue and Ruth because they loved the dolphins and they want to go to rescue them

Who thinks that Ruth's crazy and why?
**Saul because she wants him to go save the eight dolphins in Switzerland.

Who is rude and why?
**Sue because she didn't answer the question of Saul and she didn't even said 'hello' or 'how nice to meet you'.

Who wants to scan Saul's eyes. Why?
**Sue because his eyes must be on the computer memory bank so they can open the door.

What do you think Saul is going to do?
**He's going to escape and try to save the dolphins.

Chapter 4

Why does the Controller say about Saul "I don't think he'll be alive for very much longer"? What is going to happen?

Because he is shooting at the picture of Saul's head. They will try to kill him because they think he is a terrorist.

Chapter 4

Describe the following character's personalities:

Saul: He's a music critic, he loved music and he love writing music.
Caroline: She played the cello, she's Saul girlfriend and she would go on virtual walks with Saul.
Dick Lane: He was a young men, he do exercise and he is in a good health. He wanted to be just like Capitain Marrs
The Controller: Head of Control
Capitan Marrs: He's the head of BEATCON,people are always afraid of him.
Ruth: Old woman, she has the hability to use the computer to do her own shopping, cleaning and cooking. She was a bright, lively woman with a loud laugh.


Write a short letter to a friend about something that happened to you that made you feel especially happy, annoyed, proud, or anxious.

Dear friend Laura:

Hi!! I hope that you are well when by the time you read this letter. I'm very well. Indeed and the reason that I'm writing today is to tell you about my weekend trip to Garner State Park. It was indeed an excellent and fun.
I was really happy because I went with my family and friends, and we got to set up the tents and we made the food on the fire.
The next day we went swimming to the river all day, the climate was beautiful and at night we went back to the tents and we made marshmellows on the fire.
On Sunday we got everthing on to the trucks and come back to San Antonio.
I hope one day you will go with us, and I hope you write me back.

Your friend: Iris


17.- Wolves: Wolf
**The wolves howl at night.

18.-Roots: The part of a plant, usually underground, that anchors the plant, draws water from the soil, etc.
**My plants have a longer roots.

19.-Howl: To utter the long wailing cry of wolves, dogs, etc.
**The dogs howls in the middle of night.

20.-Beaten: To hit repeatedly; pound.
**The cops were beaten a suspect.


13.- Gasped: To inhale suddenly; as in surprise, or Bret the with effort.
**I don't gasp when I'm in front of the other people.

14.- Leader: One that leads; guiding head.
**My leader is very angry with me, because I'm late today.

15.- Aims: To direct (a weapon, blow, etc.) so as to hit.
**I have good aim with the gun.

16.- Oldie: an old joke, saying, song, movie, etc.
**I was watching a movie and it was an oldie from the 50's.


9.- Proud: Having a proper pride in oneself.
**I'm a proud of my mom.

10.- Corridor: To run
**The corridor of my house is long.

11.- Lids: A movable, cover, as for a box, etc.
**The lids of the box are open.

12.-Afterwards: Later;subsequently Also
**We went to Sea World afterwards.


5.- Naughty: mischievous or disobedient.
** My nephew is naughty in my home.

6.- Dare: To have enough courage for (some act).
** My friend dare me to jump on the parachute.

7.- Sonata: a musical composition for one or two instruments, usually consisting of several movements.
** Yesterday I was listened to a sonata in Spanish.

8.- Bother: To worry; harras.
** My dog bother's me in the mornings.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


1.- YAWNED: To open the mouth wide in voluntarily, as a result of fatigue, drowsiness, etc.
** In the morning I always yawn sometimes.

2.- RUBBED: To move (one´s hand a cloth, etc.) over (something) with pressure and fiction.
** The Aladdin rubbed his lamp.

3.- WONDERED: Person, thing, or event causing astonishment and admiration, marvel.
** I wonder why you left?

4.- WHISTLES: To make a clear, shrill sound as by forcing breath through the contracted lips.
** The cop whistles on the street.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

1.- Ruth was laughing when she was talking to Saul.
2.- Ruth was talking to Saul about who were they.
3.- Ruth was talking to Saul, he was satting down.
4.- Narrator because he was talking about Saul.
5.- Saul was talking to Ruth about the truth of the dolphins.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1
1.- T
2.- F
3.- T
4.- F
5.- T

I choose the question number 5 because they had a virtual travelling, when they had a time and they walk together, only when they married they meet together.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Idiom Homework

1.- My idiom is "as quiet as a mouse".

- very quiet, shy

The thief was as quiet as a mouse.

2.- My idiom is"eat like a horse".

- to eat a lot

My husband eats like a horse.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My embarassing moment

When I was in Mexico, I was in an elementary school in 4th grade, teaching classes to 30 kids, and when I was started to read history I start to cough and I couldn't to stopped, I can't to continued to read and the teacher had to start to read. And the kids were scared. I had to drink a lot of water.

Welcome to my new blog

Hi!!! Welcome to my blog. This is my first blog. I use my blog for my reading 5 class. I start the class on June 10th. Only I have a class on Thursday and Tuesday.